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The Best Companies outperform their peers by 5X but most businesses fail. Only 4% of companies will reach even $1 million in annual sales.
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What makes the difference between thriving and barely surviving in any business, in any economic climate?
Answer: It's not the product or service. It's the focus and skills developed and applied by the business owner. But here is the cold hard truth: 75% of business owners will not reach their growth goals without expert support.
How You Can You Step Into The World of
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Over the past thirty years, Dominik Tarolli had the rare opportunity to work with hundreds of the smartest and most successful startups, entrepreneurs, and even billionaires around the world.
Dominik is Swiss, but lives since over a decade in beautiful California. He's an Award Winning Entrepreneur, Sales Leader, Board Member, and Successful Investor.
Guy Kawasaki (Startup Guru)
Gene Simmons (KISS)
Scott McNeally (Co-Founder Sun)